Sarah Lawrence College, NY

Thanks, Ronald!

Syracuse, New York

No countdown but still great!

Thanks, Steve!

Harvard University, MA

Steve finds another!

Philadelphia, PA

Thanks, Steve!

New York, NY

Thanks, Steve!

Thanks, Tracy!

Thanks, Tracy!

Austin, TX

Thanks, Tracy!

Washington, D.C.

Thanks, Steve!

Tracy, thanks!

Tufts University, MA

Thanks, Peter

Thanks, Steve!

St. Louis, MO

Washington University

Thanks, David!

Liverpool, NY

Countdown starts at 1:23

Memphis, TN

Another one from Steve!

York County, PA

Thanks, Steve!

Stony Brook, NY

Tracy, thanks so much for all your help in finding these!

Swarthmore College, PA

Countdown begins at 2:37

Tracy! Again!

Houston, TX

Tracy strikes again!

Los Angeles, CA

Thanks, Tracy!

Thanks, Tracy!

University of Wisconsin

Countdown starts at 2:52

Thanks, Tracy!

San Francisco, CA

Tracy is awesome!

New Albany, IN

Another one found by Tracy!

Oakland, CA

Thanks, Tracy!

Traverse City, MI

Thanks, Tracy!

Phoenix, AZ

Countdown starts at 1:10

Thanks, Steve!

Portland, OR

Countdown starts at 1:10

No countdown but also awesome

Prague, Czech Republic

Munich, Germany

Countdown starts at 2:22

Beijing, China

Sacramento, CA

Countdown starts at 2:21

Milan, Italy

Atlanta, GA

3... 2... 1... :

Seattle, WA

Thanks, Greg!

Countdown starts at 1:20

Somerville, MA

Thanks, Craig!

Brooklyn, NY

Osaka, Japan

Thanks, Scott!

Sydney, Australia

Thanks, Paul!

Vassar College, NY

Non-CNN countdown!

Thanks, Patrick!

University College, Oxford

Thanks, Paul!

Middlebury College, VT

Thanks, Lukas!

Lexington, KY

Thanks, Jorge!

Amsterdam, the Netherlands

No countdown but better quality:

Thanks to Paul for finding these!